Fraser Coast FM107.5 Community Events directory is a community service providing not-for-profit community groups free publicity for upcoming events within the Fraser Coast region.

Before you complete the form below please read the following Terms and Conditions. Your completion of the form assumes your acceptance of these conditions.

Does Your Event Meet The Criteria?

The types of events Noticeboard can include are events for your church, community and not-for-profit group, such as:

  • Markets
  • Festivals and fairs
  • Exhibitions
  • Musicals/dramas
  • Events that are single (one-off) events
  • Church conferences
  • Seniors’ events, youth camps, marriage retreats, school holiday programs
  • Some fundraisers
  • Events that are three weeks or more in the future, or that have their RSVP date three weeks or more in the future

Events We May Not List

  • Events that run continuously (daily, weekly, monthly). For example a playgroup or seniors group. We may list the first instance of this event.
  • Events that have a start date, or RSVP date, within the next two weeks (get yours in as early as possible)
  • Events that invite patrons to a business with the result of advertising that business (please see our Sponsorship page)
  • Regular or seasonal church services, Bible studies etc.
  • Book/DVD/CD launches
  • Events sent in more than ten weeks in advance of when they occur may not become live until ten weeks out from the event date.

Financial Associate Membership is available to Not for Profit organisations and includes broadcast of your event. If you are not a current Associate Member you can click this link to join

NOT FOR USE by Business organisations please refer to our Sponsorship page or Contact Us.

  • A couple of sentences to describe your event, any important information (e.g. start/end time, cost) and why people should attend.
  • Enter the venue including street address where people can find your event.
  • YYYY dash MM dash DD
  • YYYY dash MM dash DD
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.